Buat entri ini, gw pake bahasa indonesia aja ya! Maklum, saya orang indonesia =D
Jadi, tanggal 24 Juli, hari Selasa lalu, gw berulang tahun. Umur gw tahun ini 16.. ya, belum termasuk dewasa sih, tapi semoga perilaku gw semakin dewasa tahun ini =)
Pagi-pagi, waktu masuk ke kelas, temen2 gw langsung nyelametin gw. gw seneng banget ^_^
Gw ngerasa hari itu gw nambah 1 tahun dan makin dewasa =P
Kalau lagi ulang tahun, pasti mengharapkan sesuatu dong?? Ya!! pasti kado =D
Sampai sekarang, udah ada 5 orang yang ngasih kado ke gw.
yang pertama, sahabat gw, Natasya, dia lagi di Singapur karena memang dia dapet beasiswa ke sana. Jadi, gw ga bisa ketemu dia di hari ultah gw .__.
tp dia udah ngasih kado ke gw waktu dia pulang ke indo bulan Juni lalu. Dan pas kemaren gw ultah, gw buka kadonya, dan itu sangat berkesan :')
Isinya novel bagus tentang iman, satu gantungan kunci bertulisan "happy birhtday" yang ada banyak quotes, dan gelang lucu yang ada gantungan hatinya.. MAKASIH TACONK!!!! :D
yang kedua adalah keluarga gw, yaitu mami, papi, dan koko tercintah! xD
mami dan papi ngasih iket pinggang lucu warna oranye ke gw, dan koko tercintah gw ngasih 2 novel lanjutan hunger games. I LOVE YOU FATHER, MOTHER, AND MY HANDSOME BROTHER!! =D
Dan yang terakhir adalah dari anak baru di kelas gw, namanya Alfonso. Dia ngasih boneka bebek item, lucu deh,jd gw jadiin gantung di tas sekolah gw =P
Ya.. itulah hari ultah gw yang sangat bahagia ^^
Gw harap siapapun bisa mengalami hari ulang tahun yang bahagia juga. Dan ultah yang bahagia itu ga hanya ultah yang dapet banyak kado, tapi dengan keberadaan orang2 terdekat kalian dan ucapan yang tulis dari mereka, itu udah sangat membahagiakan
God bless you guys! =D
Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012
Great Time with Friends :)
Hi Guys!!! Today, I have a great time with my friends, and I really enjoy it =D
This morning, our parents had a meeting with some teachers at school, so we gathered at a restaurant near our school to have a breakfast together. There are 12 people included me =P
This is the picture we took when we gathered there. We ordered some food and drinks, and I bought pia =)
The boys were very "greedy", so they ordered two kind of food for each of them xD
And the result was... The girls helped them to eat the food =P
The pia I bought is very delicious. There are 3 flavor, chocolate, cheese, and butterscotch.. I like butterscotch pia very much. Butterscotch pia is made of caramel and milk, and because I like sweet food, butterscotch pia becomes my favourite =D
So, that's my story for today..
I love you my friends!!! :*
This morning, our parents had a meeting with some teachers at school, so we gathered at a restaurant near our school to have a breakfast together. There are 12 people included me =P
This is the picture we took when we gathered there. We ordered some food and drinks, and I bought pia =)
The boys were very "greedy", so they ordered two kind of food for each of them xD
And the result was... The girls helped them to eat the food =P
The pia I bought is very delicious. There are 3 flavor, chocolate, cheese, and butterscotch.. I like butterscotch pia very much. Butterscotch pia is made of caramel and milk, and because I like sweet food, butterscotch pia becomes my favourite =D
So, that's my story for today..
I love you my friends!!! :*